
Oaks Class

Class Teacher: Miss King


Teaching Assistants: Miss Deighton and Miss Pilling.


Welcome to Oaks Class – Year 3 and Year 4

Oaks class consists of Year 3 and Year 4 children. Pupils of Oaks class are kept in their class for the subjects of Maths, English, Science, RE, French and RSHE. These lessons are taught by Miss King. For all other subjects (Art, DT, Music, History, Geography and PE) , the children of Oaks class join the Mighty Oaks. These lessons are split between Miss King and Mrs Davies. Regardless of which setting they are learning in, differentiated learning objectives are set to provide learning that is appropriate for their level.

 The timetable for children may change slightly from term to term depending on the topic focus, any enrichment activities and swimming lessons.


Supporting Learning at Home


Please encourage your child to read to you daily in order to maximise their progress. Whilst we do listen to each child read during school time, those who also practice at home will make the most progress. Please ensure that you make a note in your child’s reading record every time you hear them read. We use Accelerated Reader, which allows the children to select from a range of books that will help them develop as readers. Each time they complete a book, they will take an online quiz, the results of which are accessible to parents and teachers.


Weekly spellings are provided to the children with a space for them to practice. The children are encouraged to read the word, cover the word, spell the word and then check if they got it right. The children should aim to practice these spells at least five times a week.


Key maths skills are practiced using Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs). A set of KIRFs for each term can be found on the page below. Learning these facts is useful for your child and allows them to progress rapidly.

Times Tables

Times Tables are incredibly important in KS2, especially for Year 4 as they have their Multiplication Check towards the end of the year. To ensure the children have secure knowledge of their times tables, Times Table Rockstars can be used as an interactive tool for practicing times table facts at speed.